Puppy Pals with Playhouse

Puppy Pals with Playhouse

Nice facts

  • Year
  • Collection
    Pet Shop
  • Assortment
    Cozy Home Pets
  • I have a Complete set
    No :( See details below

Animals in set

Cover image from Puppy Pals Collie

Puppy Pals Collie

In collection
Cover image from Puppy Pals Spaniel

Puppy Pals Spaniel

In collection
Cover image from Puppy Pals Poodle

Puppy Pals Poodle

In collection


My first love! This is the definition of LPS for me.

This set was released by Kenner in 1992. It features three puppy pets, a puppy house playset, a food dish, and two newspaper accessories. A re-colored version of this set was released the next year (1993).


This set consists of a playhouse, a garden with fence around it, a newspaper and newspaper box, a food dish and three puppies. The gate could be opened and closed. It fitted perfectly on the upper shelf in the Pet Shop Playset.


I have 4 of 7 accessories in my collection


I give this sassy set 5 out of 5 paws

This set was my first LPS love. I was so proud and happy when I got this when I was five. Five stars for excellent play value and nostalgia!

Original box text

You're the proud new owner of not one, not two, but three fun-loving Puppy Pals from the LITTLEST PET SHOP!

Each of these lovable puppies does something special and needs lots love and attention from you! They need you to name them, feed them and take care of their Playhouse. They love to play inside the doghouse and outside in the yard!

[About the collie] This friendly puppy wants to shake hands with you. Pet his tail and he'll give you his paw because it's his way of showing how much he likes you.

[About the poodle] This pretty little poodle needs to scratch her long floppy ear.

[About the spaniel] This cute little black and white puppy loves to play with the newspaper! Move it back and forth and watch the puppy's head follow it. He wants to wrestle it away from you! What fun! He'll even fetch it for you!